Bringing Method To Madness

Selling shouldn’t be as difficult as it is - I know you have always suspected it.

But you just don’t know why it isn’t.
Most salespeople don’t have a clue about what they are doing. They are very good at selling themselves in interviews, but when you put them on payroll, they…for the lack of a better word, SUCK.
They won’t be able to answer the most basic questions about Sales such as…
  • How do people buy?

  • As a company what do you fix?

  • How do the problems you fix manifest in your customer’s life?

It’s like asking a Lawyer,” So, How does the High Court work?” And he says, “I don’t know….I just show up and things happen. I think the guy in the wig at the top makes the decision.”

The problem is…

They were never taught that there is a Method to selling.
They think that if they just talk AT enough people about whatever it is that they are selling, someone will buy.
Anything in volume will yield some success, but that doesn’t make you a professional at it. What a ROOKIE does out of ignorance, a PROFESSIONAL does on purpose.
As a result, 05 out of 10 salespeople miss their sales targets, which is scary.
And when you question them, then comes out their real skill…GIVING EXCUSES.
  • Not able to get past gatekeepers

  • Asked to send an email

  • Call back in 06 months

  • They are already using someone

  • Wrong timing

  • The competitor had a better price/features etc.

  • They don’t have anything for us at this time but they liked us…

  • We got our foot in the door…All Rubbish!

You are in business to do two things: Protect and Plunder

Now you are able to protect what you have(current customers) fairly well, but when it comes to plundering(Getting new ones), you fall short.
For businesses, hitting sales targets for NET NEW BUSINESS is the holy grail
To achieve that, you may have tried things like:
  • Firing crappy salespeople

  • Hiring better salespeople

  • Raising your prices

  • Discounting

  • Sales enablement

  • Internal training

  • External training

  • Outsourcing lead generation(giving heroin to drug addicts)…

and everything else that you could think of.

But nothing worked.

And perhaps you have reached a stage where you believe, “You know what, maybe this is how it’s supposed to be. My competitors are facing the same challenge, it’s the same for everyone.”
Many if not most organizations are indeed having issues when it comes to achieving their sales targets of acquiring new customers, but not all.
Some know what they are doing. They know that there’s a METHOD TO THIS MADNESS.
Well, we are ONE among them
And for an extremely expensive fee, we can do it for you.
No, we are not another Outsourcing sales agency selling crappy leads, instead, we give you what you actually need, New Paying Customers.
And if you would like to understand how we do what we do, book a call.